
Fires: No open fires except in the campsite fire rings and the large council fire ring.  Burn charcoal in the charcoal grills. Do not burn wood in the charcoal or gas grills.

Water: All water in camp is potable. Water sources should not be used as KP/clean-up locations. Establish a clean-up area somewhere on the fringe of your campsite. The use of sinks in any of the buildings to wash dishes/pots is prohibited.

Policing: Policing of the campsite is important. Insure your unit conducts a thorough cleaning of your campsite and the portions of the camp your unit used.

Mooney Lodge: Use of the lodge must be supervised by adult leaders. Lodge bathrooms are for adults and female visitors only.

Dumpster/Recycle Bin: All metal, glass and plastic containers must be recycled. Containers must be rinsed out, and deposited in designated containers. Trash must be placed in clear, see-through plastic trash bags and placed in the dumpster. Otherwise, units will have to take trash home with them. The dumpster is for household trash only. Paper, except for cardboard, may be burned, or included in trash for the dumpster. No double-bagging, please.

Service Project: Visiting units may be asked to perform a service project.

Vehicles: All vehicles and bicycles must be left in designated areas only.

Security: The camp is not responsible for damage or loss for personal property of our visitors. Please use care in securing valuables, and bikes.

Latrines/Shower House: The shower house and latrines must be left neat and clean. Please have adults periodically inspect.

Responsibility: Insure all members of your unit are briefed on this material, and are properly supervised at all times.

General: The Scout Oath, and Law are in force at all times. Put back any items you may have borrowed or moved. Clean out grills.

Departure Time/Clearance: Times will be coordinated at the in-processing.

Leave the camp better than you found it. Have a great visit and spread the word.